Memutar Kembali Playlist Lama bersama The 90’s Festival Telah banyak festival musik atau festival kreatif di Indonesia yang mengusung tema 90-an, namun tidak ada…

Memutar Kembali Playlist Lama bersama The 90’s Festival Telah banyak festival musik atau festival kreatif di Indonesia yang mengusung tema 90-an, namun tidak ada…
Sheila on 7 Present Various Sound Layers on Latest Single “Film Favorit” Too long, is what we can muster when talking about Sheila on…
LINE Concert Medan Entertained Thousands of People MEDAN (27/01) – After taking Surabaya by surprise by holding a one kind of event, LINE Concert…
Review: Kemegahan Konser Swara Derma Berbalut Misi Mulia Tak terhitung banyaknya konser baik dalam skala besar maupun kecil yang pernah dihelat di Kota Bandung.…
LINE Concert Goes to Medan This January! LINE Indonesia continue their commitment to bring music live in several cities in Indonesia with its newest…
LINE Indonesia Launch LINE Concert for Music Enthusiasts! Japanese based corporation for chatting application, LINE Indonesia unveil one of its creative initiative titled “LINE…
Soundrenaline Returns in 2017 with The First Line-Up Announcement! One of the biggest music festival in Indonesia, Soundrenaline, returns in 2017 with the first…
Brian KP of Sheila on 7 Delivers His Solo Project Through “Denganmu” Brian Kresno Putro is more known as the drummer of renown legendary…