Anxieparty Lepas Single Filosofis “Metrik Ruang Waktu” [MALANG] Selang beberapa bulan setelah lahirnya Pencarian Peraduan sebagai single ke-2 Anxieparty di kancah musik dalam negeri,…

Anxieparty Lepas Single Filosofis “Metrik Ruang Waktu” [MALANG] Selang beberapa bulan setelah lahirnya Pencarian Peraduan sebagai single ke-2 Anxieparty di kancah musik dalam negeri,…
Shewn Tunjukkan Berbagai Sisi Sentimental Lewat EP “Moar” Mendengar nama Shewn, yang terlintas di pikiran kami adalah track penuh amarah dibalut dengan nada-nada emo…
Ache’s 2nd EP Revives Youth with Melancholy Just in case you need another dose of emotive tunes, you can check out Tangerang based band…
[UPDATED] Tiny Moving Parts To Perform in Jakarta Next Year The post-hardcore/emo revival band hailing from Minnesota, Tiny Moving Parts, is reportedly performing in…
Jajaran Musisi Emo Siap Membuat Sedih di synchronize festival 2019 JAKARTA – Setelah menyalurkan hasrat ber-melayu ria lewat sesi karaoke bersama musisi pop-melayu di…
American Football is Ready to Bring Asia In Its Feels with Upcoming Tour Dates We thought this day will never come, however, emo lords…
“Hokkaido’s Electone Girl” Marks hulica’s Return on Music Scene After debuting with “and on that day, our captain went off the deck” back in…
Have You Got The “Pills” Like Beeswax to Say Goodbye? Being called emo used to be a humiliating term to refer to teenagers who…
Taking Back Sunday Brought Back Our Old-School Emo Feels on ROCK N’ SOUND JAKARTA (1/23) – This is it, the pinnacle of our existence…
5 Lagu Penting Taking Back Sunday yang Wajib Didengarkan Sebelum Nonton ROCK N’ SOUND! JAKARTA – Taking Back Sunday sebentar lagi akan mampir di…