9 Finalis Go Ahead Challenge Telah Selesaikan Pelatihan di Studio 1212 Berlian bisa bersinar apabila diasah, begitu pula dengan talenta dan karya dari ke-9…

9 Finalis Go Ahead Challenge Telah Selesaikan Pelatihan di Studio 1212 Berlian bisa bersinar apabila diasah, begitu pula dengan talenta dan karya dari ke-9…
Stage Photographer Bandung Berkumpul di Collide Vol.2 Music Workshop BANDUNG (13/9) – Visual atau yang kerap kita kenal dengan tangkapan otak terhadap retina mata…
An Analog Photography Exhibition “Tabu Vol. 1” Starts Today! Bandung will always a place where talented individuals or collectives cook up great ideas, and…
Go Ahead Challenge Festival 2017 Made Its Second Stop in Yogyakarta (9/13) Yesterday, Yogyakarta became the host for Go Ahead Challenge Festival 2017 at…
ART|JOG 10 Offers a “Changing Perspective” Towards Reality From 19 May and lasts until 19 June 2017, an annual art exhibition is held in…
A Glimpse of “Manusia Kuat: Potret Manusia Indonesia” Exhibition by Tulus and Adhitya Himawan at Dia.Lo.Gue Artspace Singer Tulus has just revealed his latest…
Photography City in Japan, Higashikawa Held Photography Festival and International High School Student Exchange for The Third Time! Higashikawa, a city located at Hokkaido,…
Tips & Tricks for Photographers to Excel in Social Media Era Maverick Indonesia once again held the 29th edition of Pecha Kucha Night Jakarta…
A Premium Streetwear Store (legasy) Will Held a Grand Opening at Surabaya! For you in Surabaya who love the likes of premium streetwear brands…
Hutan Tanpa Api, A Powerful Photo Exhibition by Greenpeace Indonesia Greenpeace Indonesia launched a campaign to stop and prevent forest fire called Forest Fire…