Sisir Tanah Lagu Hidup Release for Kulon Progo
Sisir Tanah with Iksan Skuter (right)
Photo by: Dwe Rachmanto
Sisir Tanah Re-Release “Lagu Hidup” for Kulon Progo’s Eviction Victims

Kulon Progo’s residence at Temon has faced a threat of evicition in 2017. They are threaten to leave their homes behind to make a space for the newly built airport of Yogyakarta called New Yogyakarta International Airport. On January 2018, the residents and volunteers clashed with the authorities and even went towards physical violence. Seeing this injustice, Sisir Tanah decided to re-release their song “Lagu Hidup” throguh The website is a collective effort that is built to give the victims the moral support for all the residents there as well as the volunteers who work hard to claim their rights and ownership to the lands. It is also aimed to spread the public awareness about the circumstance in Kulon Progo. “Solidarity for those who are facing hardships is important, because we should have a humanitarian empathy. Problems could happen to anyone, and the best way to go through it is by facing it together. Today, it might be residents in Temon, next, anyone could experience the same thing. We will be strong if we are together. For those who ask, do those residents who are in conflict need music? For me, because I do music, song is the closest remark of solidarity for me. Those people might not need a song right now, but through this song I hope I could donate a moral spirit for them and volunteers, as well as asking anyone to lend their solidarity as a fellow human being,” said Bagus Dwi Danto, the man behind Sisir Tanah.

Sisir Tanah Lagu Hidup Release for Kulon Progo
Landscape of Temon, Kulon Progo
Photo by: Kurnia Yudha

“Lagu Hidup” talks about the rights for one’s life no matter where they are. Solidarity will emerge if human realize themselves as one who struggle together. The song is included in Sisir Tanah’s debut album called “Woh” which was released back in May 2017. The song was arranged with the musical direction by Doni Kurniawan and Bagus Dwi Danto. Other musicians who participate in this track are Ragipta Utama (guitar), Nadya Hatta (keyboard), Faizal Aditya Rachman (bass), Indra Agung Hanifah (drum), Erson Padapiran (trumpet), Jasmine Alvinia Savitri (backing vocal), Asrie Tresnady (sitar), Yussan Ahmad Fauzi (tanpura), and Justitias Jelita Zulkarnain (cello). The song can be listened through 37 suara website here. 37 suara symbolizes 37 people who refuse their lands and homes to be demolished by the authorities. You could also participate in this cause by learning more about the issue on the website.