Rotan dan Kayu 2nd Anniversary Event “Tumpengan Bersama Teman-Teman” Report
It’s exactly two years ago on January 22nd that indie pop band, Rotan dan Kayu were formed in Malang. They also had one single and music video for “Waktu Itu” that will be included in their upcoming debut album. A humble celebration called “Tumpengan Bersama Teman-Teman” was held at Legipait Coffee Shop on the corner of Pattimura street Malang on Sunday, January 22nd 2017. Many people gathered until the whole space was full and they had to occupy the side part of the street. This time, we had a chance to witness two rising acts from Malang as the show’s opener which were Dizzyhead and Samskrta. Samskrta opened the event with their slowcore/sadcore songs accompanied with spoken words, a very rare act from Malang considering Indonesia itself also only has few bands within this genre. The three songs which were performed by Yayas, Prapto, and friends felt so long until we did not realize it was time for folk unit, Kata to take over the stage.

Formerly known as a folk duo, Kata brought a trio format during this event and played songs ala Daughters and Low Roar. Patricia on vocal, Ken Baruna on guitar and Oddy on saxophone managed to send complex combination of minor chords from the guitar with romantic saxophone sounds. Then, Dizzyhead, a new roster from Fallyears Records took the stage. Hanifa Miryami as the frontwoman of the band, with Dizzyhead’s mastermind Bagas Yudhiswa on guitar, Baron on bass, Lutfi Naufali on guitar, and Raditya Putra on brought out archie-pop/surf pop ambience ala Alvvays or Beast Coast. They also performed their debut single “You” which could be listened on Fallyears Records’ Soundcloud as well as few songs from Dizzyhead’s forthcoming album. Having received great response from several webzine and media outlets in Indonesia, their future attempt is worth to watch out.

At last, Rotan dan Kayu commenced their stage. With a loose and easy going atmosphere, they started off with a tradition of cutting the top of “tumpeng” and prayed for their future endeavor in music scene. Reza Arifta (vocal), Nurmala Mustika (vocal), Raditya Arya (guitar), Indra Aries (bass), and Umar Faruq (Drum) covered some songs from White Shoes & The Couples Company and several of their originals like “Waktu Itu”, “Datang Bulan” and “Pohon UKM”. The mini full-band set that were showcased by Rotan dan Kayu enhanced the analog feel from the band. It portrayed honesty and rawness from their music, further adding the intimate feeling we got over the pouring rain. We hope the best for them and the rest of Malang’s indie music scene in the future.

Reporter & pic: Alfan Rahadi/ Editor: Novita Widia