PLAY Market 2016: The Attractive Thematic Food and Market Event Is Back!
Market and Museum is back again with PLAY Market 2016! It boasts more tenants, more visitors and more happiness. This annual event serves comfortable ambience for attendees at any age. Visitors were able to buy clothes at PLAY Market booths inside Lippo Kemang or buy food and beverages on the terrace area.

Visitors were pleased by vary of choices that were served by the tenants. There was a photo booth set before the fashion booth, so visitors can take a snap or two with PLAY Market’s colorful and fun background.

We dropped by the fashion booth and we could see a lot of local brands showcase their unique product. If you’re confused of what you want to buy, take a fresh air and grab some food and beverages outside.

“This is my second time to be here, I enjoy the food that is served, more choices than the previous and there are even new comers (tenants). I will definitely come back next year”, explained a nice visitor.
Your tummy is full? Then go back again to buy your apparels at the fashion booth before leaving PLAY Market by Market and Museum.
Don’t worry, they are still ready to please you till tomorrow. See you there!!!
Venue : Lippo Mall Kemang
Date : 26-28 August 2016
Time : 10 AM – 10 PM
Writer & Photographer : M. Audy Prasetya