Celebrating 77 Years of Poet Sapardi Djoko Damono with 7 Books Launching and A Special Showcase Sapardi Djoko Damono is undoubtedly one of the…

Celebrating 77 Years of Poet Sapardi Djoko Damono with 7 Books Launching and A Special Showcase Sapardi Djoko Damono is undoubtedly one of the…
Dwell Into Goenawan Mohamad’s Visual World Through “Kata, Gambar” Exhibition As reported earlier by The Display, artist and poet Goenawan Mohamad’s sketches are currently…
Goenawan Mohamad Held An Exhibition “Kata, Gambar” at Dia.Lo.Gue’s Artspace Author, essayist, and poet Goenawan Mohamad will held an exhibition titled “Kata, Gambar” to…
Wiji Thukul’s Facts You Need to Know Before Watching “Istirahatlah Kata-Kata” on Theater From the outside, Wiji Thukul looks like an ordinary man with…