Closure Perhatikan Gangguan Mental dalam “Post Partum”
Closure Puts Spotlight on Mental Illness on “Post Partum”
Closure, sebuah unit kuintet post-punk asal Malang kembali dari hibernasi lamanya dengan mempersembahkan sebuah single berbentuk video klip berjudul “Post Partum”. Beberapa orang mungkin kurang familiar dengan istilah ‘post partum’, namun mereka yang memperhatikan kesehatan mental pastilah pernah mendengarnya. Afif, Bella, Dugong, Biting, dan Axel dari Closure telah mempersiapkan video ini dari beberapa waktu lalu dan secara eksklusif lagu ini dirilis via The Display. Closure baru-baru ini juga diumumkan sebagai salah satu line-up dari festival musik tahunan di Singapore, Rocking The Region. Sebelum menikmati video klip 90-an ala band ini, mari simak wawancara The Display dengan mereka di bawah ini.
Closure, a five-piece post punk unit hailing from Malang has returned from their long hibernation by presenting a brand new single called “Post Partum” with its music video as well. Some people might not be too familiar with the term ‘post partum’, but they who often concern about mental health musth have at least heard about it. Afif, Bella, Dugong, Biting, and Axel from Closure have prepared this video since a long time ago, and today we can watch it exclusively via The Display. Closure has just been announced as one of the line-up for Rocking The Region, Singapore’s annual music festival. Before we can enjoy the video to the fullest, let’s dig deeper about Closure’s latest venture on the interview below.
- “Post Partum” kan akhirnya pasca melahirkan, apakah ada meaning tersendiri di balik judul lagu ini?
- Post Partum is an illness suffered by usually a woman who just gave birth, is there any special meaning behind the title of this song?
Kisah lagu ini memang terinspirasi dari kisah orang terdekat dugong yang terkena penyakit mental yg bernama postpartum disorder. Postpartum disorder sendiri ialah penyakit mental yang diderita oleh wanita paska melahirkan bahkan pria juga bisa terkena. Lirik-lirik di lagu ini menceritakan apa saja yang dirasakan oleh seorang penderita postpartum mental disorder, seperti depresi, takut akan sesuatu hal, gelisah, bahkan sampai ingin bunuh diri. Lagu ini disisi lain dari liriknya juga berpesan bahwa penyakit mental itu sangat serius jangan dianggap enteng dan dengarkan orang yang membutuhkanmu
The story of this song was inspired by a close person to Dugong who suffered post partum disorder. Post Partum disorder is a mental illness which is suffered by a woman who just gave birth, even a man could also suffer from it. The lyrics in this song tell about the feelings that the sufferers have, like depression, fear of something, anxiety, even suicidal thoughts. This song on the other hand, conveys a message that mental illness is something serious that one should not take lightly. Listen to those who need you the most.
- Setelah hiatus karena kesibukan masing-masing personal (Afif dengan tim E-sportnya, Bella dengan solonya, Biting dengan The Comingbacks, Axel sebagai seasonal player, dan Dugong dengan akademisnya). Bagaimana menyatukan kembali Closure untuk membuat materi baru dan video klip ini? Apakah rilisan ini masih di bawah naungan O Pamela Records?
- After going on a hiatus due to each member’s personal business (Afif with his e-sport team, Bella with her solo endeavor, Biting with The Comingbacks, Axel as a seasonal player on multiple bands, and Dugong with his academic venture). How did you unite Closure once again to make a new material and this music video? Is this release still under O Pamela Records?
Menyatukan personil closure memang sangat sulit karena memiliki kesibukan masing-masing, namun setidaknya setiap minggu kami masih menyempatkan untuk latihan. Ngopi pun juga jarang hehehe. Jadi ide untuk membuat lagu ini kadang spontan waktu latihan, jadi dengan komposisi yang tetap dengan mencari chord gitar dan lead yang pas serta ketukan drum diiringi suara part-part vocal yang mampu mengisi nyawa dalam lagu. Pada video clip ini juga mengambil one take shoot yang mungkin jarang dipakai untuk konsep video clip saat ini. Untuk rilisan ini sudah tidak bernaung pada O Pamela.
Getting us united once again was pretty hard since each of us has our own business, but at least we practice once a week. We rarely hang out together as well. So, the idea to make this was spontaneous during one of our practice sessions. We used a similar composition (to our past songs) and found a suitable guitar chord and lead, as well as drum beats with vocal parts that could make this song alive. This music video used a one take shoot that might be rarely used for the recent music video. O Pamela Records isn’t in charge for this release anymore.
- Siapa sutradaranya dan konsep MVnya seperti apa, karena kami melihat referensi dari tayangan MTV era 90-an?
- Who is the director and the concept of this video, because we see some references from 90’s MTV era?
Sutradara Mas Ableh. Konsepnya memang benar 90-an. Terinspirasi dari MTV tahun 80 & 90-an Karena di masa itu, musik genre apapun terutama alternative dapat diterima oleh media mainstream, bahkan MTV sekalipun.
It was directed by Ableh. It’s true that the concept is ’90s. It was inspired by MTV in the ’80s and ’90s. Because in those era, any musical genre especially alternatives can be accepted by the mainstream media, event MTV.
- Pengaruh post punk yang mempengaruhi materi baru kalian apakah ada perubahan dari rilisan sebelumnya?
- What kind of post punk genre that affect your new materials compared to the previous releases?
Pasti berubah dan kami lagi membangun karakter kami sendiri, karena kalo masih “dimirip-miripin” sama band A, B, atau C itu cukup di EP kami yg kemarin hehe.
It surely changes and we re-build our own character, since we’ve had enough to be compared to act A, B, C in our previous EP.
- Barusan ada kabar gembira kalau Closure terpilih untuk bermain di acara tahunan Rocking The Region di Singapore. Bisa diceritakan awal mula prosesnya, apakah melalui audisi atau submisi?
- We’ve just heard a news that Closure was chosen to be playing at Rocking The Region in Singapore. Could you tell the process about it? Did you join a submission or audition?
Yay benar benar! Jadi awalnya Closure itu udah agak lama nggak ngumpul atau latihan gitu, terakhir main kan di Heartfelt-Homecoming itu juga nggak dengan personil yang lengkap. Terus suatu hari Afif di chat sama Vando (Manager Heals) jelasin kalo pihak RTR 2019 nanyain Closure apa bisa main di sana. Akhirnya Afif komunikasi sama pihak Rocking The Region dan kami sepakat buat pentas di sana. Selain itu kami terharu ternyata yang dengerin Closure gak cuma di Indonesia.
Yep it’s true! Closure had been idle for a while, we lastly played at Heartfelt – Homecoming, not even with a complete member as well. One day Afif was contacted by Vando (Heals’ manager) stating that RTR 2019’s committee asked whether Closure could play there. Finally Afif got in touch with the committee and we had a deal to play there. We’re pretty stoked to find out that Closure’s listeners are not only based in Indonesia.
- Apakah ada persiapan khusus sebelum tampil di sana?
- Is there any special preparation before performing there?
Untuk persiapan khusus kami ada ritual sesajen di gunung (hehehe bercanda). Untuk persiapan mungkin kami lebih membenahi di bidang teknis soalnya kami ngerasa kalo komposisi sound yang kami bangun itu bener-bener belum memuaskan, dan juga masalah administrasi udah selesai. So far, yaaaa so good lah. Tinggal beberapa masalah minor yang kudu dikelarin.
We had a special preparation and sacrificed in a sacred mountain (hahaha, kidding). We pay more attention to the technical aspect of our performance since we think that the sound composition we had so far isn’t satisfying enough. The administration process has been finished. So far, so good. Only a few minor problems left.
- Selain di Rocking The Region, apakah ada titik lain yang akan kalian singgahi?
- Besides at Rocking The Region, is there any destination you would like to visit while you are there?
Karena keterbatasan waktu dan biaya, sementara ini baru Rocking The Region saja yang kami singgahi, sebenarnya ada beberapa tempat yang pengen kami kunjungin. Cuma ya balik lagi ke kalimat pertama.
Due to short amount of time and money, we only visit Rocking The Region. Actually there are some places that we’d like to visit. However, our first sentence explains all.
- Single “Post Partum” selain dirilis sebagai MV, apakah akan dirilis secara digital? Kalau iya di platform apa saja?
- Besides being released as a music video, is there any plan to release “Post Partum” digitally?
Pastinya iya! Untuk pertama tama kami akan tayang perdana dekat dekat ini di youtube. Untuk rilisan digital seperti platform Spotify, Soundcloud dan lain lain akan secepatnya kami rilis. Namun untuk momen yang indah ini akan kami rilis dahulu video clip dari kami
Of course. In near future, we will premiere it on Youtube. For digital release like Spotify, Soundcloud, and others will follow soon. But, we will release the music video first.
- Apakah perilisan single ini semata untuk pemanasan sebelum kalian main di Rocking The Region, ataukah salah satu tanda bahwa akan ada rilisan-rilisan berikutnya di masa mendatang? Seperti EP atau album mungkin?
- Is this single release only a prelude before your performance at Rocking The Region, or is it a sign that there will be upcoming releases in the future? An EP maybe or an album?
Sebenarnya project video klip ini udah lama, selama apa itu? Yaa pokoknya Afif itu masih punya pacar (inside joke ini maaf maaf). Dan kenapa baru dirilis menjelang kami berangkat ini karena kami anggap Closure udah lama nggak ngerilis karya dan kami anggap ini momen yang pas. Dan yakkk, album is coming soon, albumnya molor karena PC-nya kena virus dan format record annya jadi format JPG.
Actually this music video project has been kept for so long. We released it just now since we think that Closure hasn’t released new material for a long time and it’s the perfect time to do so. Yes, an album is coming soon, it was delayed since our computer broke.
- Kenapa memilih The Display sebagai platform perilisan eksklusif materi terbaru kalian? Apa harapan baru kalian setelah berhasil tampil di Rocking The Region?
- Why did you choose The Display as the platform to release your video exclusively? Any wishes after you’ve done performing at Rocking The Region?
The Display yang kami lihat selama ini merupakan media digital entertainment dari Malang yang cukup konsisten buat nge-share artikel-artikel yang worth to read, Disaat beberapa media digital sejenis lainnya timbul tenggelam. Selain itu kami memilih The Display karena kami ingin ada semacam simbiosis mutualisme, Closure bisa lebih dikenal ke para pembaca The Display, dan kami bisa membawa The Display ke para pendengar kami, kayak “Ini lho ada media dari Malang yang artikelnya bukan kaleng-kaleng bahkan bisa dibilang setara sama media-media yang udah dikenal secara nasional.” Nah dan harapan buat kami, setelah Rocking The Region ini album kami cepet kelar, segera rilis dan bisa tetep konsisten bikin karya ke depannya.
We think that The Display is an entertainment media from Malang that is pretty consistent to share worth-t0-read articles. While at the same time, other media has gone through ups and downs. We hope to see a mutualism, so Closure will be exposed to The Display’s readers, and vice versa. We hope after Rocking The Region, we can release more stuff and can be consistent in producing more music.
Tanpa perlu basa-basi lagi, mari menikmati sajian Closure dengan video klip “Post Partum” di bawah ini!
Without further ado, let’s enjoy Closure’s new music video “Post Partum” below!
Documentation: Closure