Matilda After Self Single ReviewMatilda Gets Rock & Experimental Through “After Self”

The latest talent that we would love to put more spotlight on is Matilda, a rock unit hailing from The Land of Gods, Bali. The Denpasar native returns to the music scene with their latest single called “After Self”. This song caught our ears since the beginning of the first note. Loads of delay and fuzz effect used on this song gave a psychedelic touch which might be the reason why we love what we hear. After two minute mark, Matilda introduces us to their vocalist who delivers powerful notes with his raspy tone. Matilda reminds us so much of Japanese act Kikagaku Moyo with a hint of Pink Floyd. The difference lays in the vocal type that we think becomes one of the main selling points of this band. “After Self” changes its pace several times on the song, and even showcased progressive drum beats and jazz tempo towards the end. This song isn’t one faceted tune that you might think it would sound. We were taken aback while enjoying the song from start to end. The addition of synth also serves a fuller feel to the song that you might not get from their previous endeavor.

Matilda which is comprised of Ewa Pradinata (vocal), Aditya Pratama (guitar), Abdullah Zainul (bass), and Turah (drum) have previously revealed an EP called “Persona” back in 2018. “After Self” becomes the first step from the band from introducing their forthcoming full album which is planned to be released in 2020. The song conveys a message of how one should let go of his ego with open-mindedness for the sake of his own good. The single took 4 months in the making, with the final touch done at Binocular Studio Record. While they are still in the midst of preparing the next album with more recordings and music video shootings, we could enjoy “After Self” in its entirety on various digital platforms. Trust us, use a very good headphone to listen to this song, you would not regret it!