“Poros Bandung” Exhibition Restores A Notion About A Thought Provoking School of Art
As art has emerged, grown, and developed in various regions of Indonesia, Bandung with its first legion of students who attended Art and Design Faculty of ITB broke the mold of Indonesia’s existing stream of modern art with their own twist. Famously named as ‘Bandung School’, this stream of modern art was born during the late Dutch colonialism era and early Indonesia’s independence era. The style from the works belonging in this school takes a modern and universal approach to the art rather than uses Indonesia’s perspective. The new exhibition held by ArtSociates and Komunitas Salihara called “Poros Bandung” aims to provoke this particular stream in modern art. Bandung School is not just about the meaning of events, but also a way to look at things with a certain perspective. The term doesn’t only contain historical meaning, but also a paradigmatic approach to its way of thinking. Through this exhibition, it is hoped that it enables to create chronological events and interpretations as a series of art development in Indonesia, which can be seen as sustainable development.
As a post-modern approach in art, Bandung School as written by Claire Holt in her book “Art in Indonesia: Continuities and Change (1967)” wasn’t explained in a detailed manner. After more than 50 years has elapsed, the definition, meaning, and purpose of this school weren’t mentioned much in scientific or art literature in any kind. Scientists, art enthusiasts, or even the artists themselves are about to be reminded of this school through “Poros Bandung” exhibition which has been opened for public since March 2nd, 2019. The works on display do not act as a historical reminder for this stream of post-modern art only but also act as an inspiration and thought-provoking pieces for the viewers. Not all the works belonging to Bandung School can be shown on this exhibition due to some limitations, however, it is still hoped to spark some kind of energy and initiative for abstract art in Indonesia. You can view the masterpiece from some pioneers of Bandung School in “Poros Bandung” exhibition like the works from Popo Iskandar, Ahmad Sadali, Mochtar Apin, and many more. Rizki A. Zaelani, Asmudjo J. Irianto, A. Rikrik Kusmara, and Nurdian Ichsan act as curators for this exhibition.
In total, there are 26 artworks that include 12 paintings, 6 sculptures, 2 drawings, and 6 visual graphics. It is open for public viewing until 31 March 2019 at Galeri Salihara. As philosopher Sudjoko said in his famous remark, the exhibition doesn’t aim to gather a massive crowd or become a viral sensation, instead, it has a purpose of regaining important values from past occurrence and perspective in Indonesia’s art development. Do not miss special talk shows and seminary as scheduled below.
Talk Shows & Seminary for “Poros Bandung” Exhibition:
- Regular Exhibition : 2 – 31 March 2019 at Galeri Salihara, Jln. Salihara No. 16, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta
Thursday, 7 March 2019 – DISKUSI#1
Theme : SENI LUKIS & SENI CETAK MODERN (Painting & Printing in Modern Art)
Speakers : Dr. Tisna Sanjaya, M.Sn. & Dr. Dikdik Sayahdikumullah, M.Sn.
Moderator : Patriot Mukmin, M.Sn.
Time : 19.00 – 21.00 WIB
Thursday, 14 March 2019 – DISKUSI#2
Theme: SENI PATUNG & SENI KERAMIK MODERN (Sculpture and Ceramics in Modern Art)
Speakers: Dr. Nurdian Ichsan, M.Sn. & Budi Adi Nugroho, M.Sn.
Moderator: Ardhana, Riswarie, M.A
Time : 19.00 – 21.00 WIB
Thursday, 21 March 2019 – DISKUSI#3
Theme: INTER MEDIA & SENI RUPA KONTEMPORER (Contemporary Inter Media & Fine Art)
Speakers: Asmudjo.J. Irianto, M.Sn & Deden HD, M.Sch.
Moderator: Duto Hardono, M.Sn.
Time : 19.00 – 21.00 WIB
Thursday, 28 March 2019 – SEMINAR
Theme: SELEPAS SETENGAH ABAD MAZHAB BANDUNG (A Century After Bandung School)
Session 1:
Speakers: Dr. Yustiono, Dr. Tisna Sanjaya, M.Sch; Dr. Agung Hujatnika, M.Sn.
Moderator: Danuh Tyas Pradipta, M.Sn.
Session 2:
Speakers: Dr. A. Rikrik Kusmara, M.Sn; Dr. Irma Damajanti, M.Sn; Dr.Ira Adriati, M.Sn.
Moderator: Dr. Kiky Rizky SP, M.Sn.
Time : 9.30 – 15.00 WIB
Documentation: Witjak Widhi Cahya/Komunitas Salihara