Mort Hura Hura Huru Hara SingleMort Get Satirical with Single “Hura Hura Huru Hara”

Crossover trash metal unit from Denpasar, Bali called Mort revealed their newest single on 10 April 2018 called “Hura Hura Huru Hara”. After releasing their latest EP “Berontak!!!” in 2016, this single marks the return of the band. Judging by the title of the song, it might be a little confusing to tell the exact meaning. However, Mort explain that “Hura Hura Huru Hara” is a song that acts as a mock towards people or several parties who would like to parade over someone else’s pain. Targeted towards individuals or collectives who are consciously aware and actively participate in chaos situations within our country, the song surely is fueled with frustration and anger. The song was born out of Mort’s disappointment in those who have fun and waste money when there is innocent people struggling. The two minute and thirty five second single kicks the fast pace right from the start, and it ain’t give you any break to breathe until the very end.

Mort Hura Hura Huru Hara SingleAngga Baskara (vocal), I Putu Wicaksana (guitar), and Mol (drum) plan to reveal more materials in order to release their debut album that they have been working on since late 2017. Started from 2014, Mort which is a name taken from French which means ‘death’ has underwent member change until the formation becomes what we know now. The band cited Speedwolf, Viking Skull, Sarcasm, Municipal Waste, Metallica, Motorhead, D.R.I, Black Flag, Razor Edge, Roxx, Sukckerhead, ((AUMAN)), and Natterjack as their musical influences. Combining various sounds into one, Mort hope to kill any boredom or inconvenience of the listeners with their songs. If you want to know more about this band, check out their EP on Mort’s Bandcamp that contains four songs in total. “Hura Hura Huru Hara” can be heard on its digital format through Soundcloud. Later on, the track will have its own merchandise and will be released through various digital platforms in the future.