Neck Deep Burned The House Down on Their First Concert in Jakarta!
JAKARTA (03/11) – Crowds were so packed at Vicky Sianipar Music Center, Setiabudi last Sunday to attend Neck Deep‘s ‘Peace and Panic Asia Tour 2018’ in Jakarta. While there were a plenty of headcounts, the fans entered the venue in orderly manner to watch the performance of their favorite British pop punk band. It took a while for the gig to start, but it didn’t wreck the enthusiasm of the crowd as they gathered upon the stage waiting for the first opener, Rocket Rockers. Having been in the music industry for 19 years, the band proved to still have a force to reckon with. Rocket Rockers managed to rock the venue as they used to do a couple of years ago with their vocalist/guitarist, Aska. They played their hit song “Ingin Hilang Ingatan” which evoked nostalgic feelings among the twentysomething crowd.

As the second performer, Patriots came to the stage with unexpected charm. Being relatively unknown since they came all the way from Malaysia, it was our first experience to watch and listen to the band and that’s the beauty of attending a gig. Nonetheless, it didn’t take too long for the crowd to start dancing to the music while Patriots played a cover song of Bruno Mars’ “When I Was Your Man” in a hardcore punk arrangement. They also played their original songs while they were at it. The first two performers got us more pumped to watch the main act, Neck Deep!

It took a while to prepare for Neck Deep’s performance as the crew were literally disassembling the drum set used by previous performers. Once again, the crew took quite a long time to disassemble another drum set. After about 25 minutes of preparation, the time finally came for Neck Deep to greet the crowds. The group successfully brought out the wilderness of the crowds by playing the tracks from their new album “The Peace And The Panic” which came out in 2017 via Hopeless Records. They also played some tracks from their old albums. It was a hell of a party for the crowd surfers as people keep on jumping around and being held above in the air for every song played. There were even some people who came to the stage and sang along with Neck Deep. Such a crazy night brought to you by MxP Production with Saint Barkley as the organizer of the event.
Reporter: Prasetya Ardhana/Photographer: Yudistira Ditya Pratama/Editor: Novita Widia