Trodon on Jazz Buzz Salihara 2018Trodon Presented Jazz Musical Wrapped in Myths and Fairy Tale

JAKARTA (02/25) – Trodon became the last group to perform on the latest installment of Jazz Buzz Salihara 2018: Jazz Sans Frontierés 03. On 25 Feburary 2018, the group presented an awe inspiring set that fulfilled out wildest imagination as a child. Biondy Noya (guitar), Irene Pattinaya (keyboard), Nadya Romanenta (saxophone), Aprilia Sitompul (bass), Adela Batfutu (cello), Peter Lumingkewas (drum), and Alexander Jason (synth) from Trodon titled their set as “Dracon & Myths”. It was inspired by characters and phenomenon that they found on fairy tales and myths. Their name itself, ‘Trodon’ was taken after a species of dinosaur that was thought to be the smartest of its kind. So, it is only fair that their creation is based on old times. In total, they brought fifteen numbers with titles such as “Lightbringer”, “Tiamat”, “Lord of Dragons”, “Bhirondi” and many more. “Lightbringer” is a term used for fallen angels from heaven. While “Tiamat” is the name of an ancient Egyptian Goddess who always brings chaos to the earth. Names of famed dragons in the fairy tales were also used for their repertoire. Basically, you can google the titles of their songs and later found out that they all come from myths and tales.

Trodon on Jazz Buzz Salihara 2018As expected, it became a musical like set with lots of techniques in jazz music being shown and tweaked to better interpret each song. The songs in Trodon’s set were mostly composed by Biondi Noya with two tracks created by Peter Lumingkewas. We didn’t expect some sort of show, but we were delightfully satisfied with Trodon’s performance that night. The band which was created in 2013 presented a matching ambience for each tales. There were Arabian or Middle Eastern infused sound in the songs as well as classical music incorporated on their set. It was complex, unusual, but at the same time familiar like our childhood memories when our mothers took us to watch the latest cinematic feature. We were pleased in both audio and visual department and the whole auditorium roared with applause for the Trodon!

Reporter: Intan Maharani/Editor: Novita Widia
Photo: Komunitas Salihara/Witjak Widhi Cahya