Review: Pitch Perfect 3 Emphasize on Togetherness and Somehow Bizarre Storyline
The first Pitch Perfect was perfect, the second one was great but not better than the first one. It will be hard to top the two previously successful series on the third installment, but “Pitch Perfect 3” is bound to happen sooner or later. The movie which was released on 27 December 2017 has already been aired on Indonesia’s cinemas. We got to see Beca (Anna Kendrick), Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson), Chloe (Brittany Snow) and crew living their adult lives after graduating from college. This time the truth hit hard, when the members of The Bellas found it difficult to adjust themselves in real world since most jobs available weren’t about singing, or being in an a capella group. Chloe continued her study as a veterinarian, Becca worked in a shitty record label in which later she resigned from, and Fat Amy did her best at her Amy Winehouse impersonation. They realized that they missed singing on stage the most, and being in a group they once won a World Championship with. One day, they decided to join a competition for U.S.O at a military basecamp. The winner of this competition will get a chance to become an opener for world-famous DJ (which is an irony, since The Bellas are a capella group and the DJ is a full blown digital musician).

Competing alongside many other great groups, The Bellas found themselves in a difficult situation after their closest competitor led by Ruby Rose mocked them for their inability to play any instruments. At this point, a bizarre side plot-line was happening where we got real confused about everything they were trying to present in this movie. Fat Amy found out that her criminal father stayed at the same hotel they stayed during the competition. The father daughter moment could not be any hilarious as Amy tried to disowned her father who tried to scam her to get her inheritance from her mother (Amy is actually a rich heir after all). The Bellas were kidnapped by Amy’s father so that Amy would voluntarily give up her inheritance. This is so weird guys, like, why the sub plot-line all of sudden. Although it was not as weird as Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2’s plot, still it disgraced the singing competition concept they were always known for. After a rescue mission was done by the military, The Bellas once again faced a dilemma after it was announced that only Becca as an individual was chosen to be the opener for this famous DJ. So, how will The Bellas react and who is this world famous DJ? Albeit weird, you might want to watch “Pitch Perfect 3” directed by Trish Sie on cinema.
Reviewer: Intan Maharani/Editor: Novita Widia