The Display Mixtape Vol.5: Yockie Suryo prayogo
Indonesia’s music could not be separated with Yockie Suryo Prayogo. The legend has laid the ground work for our music alongside other renown names like Eros Djarot, Chrisye, and Nasution brothers. Yockie was the mastermind behind several essential albums in the 70’s and some are even considered Indonesia’s best album of all time. Throughout his remarkable career, besides releasing solo albums and collaborations, Yockie also produced few albums from various musicians with diverse genres, whether it is rock, pop, alternative and many more. His career got even better with his involvement in legendary bands like God Bless, Giant Step and Swami. As a keyboardist, his music is more of an art-rock, a genre that was popular back then considering he was growing up during this heyday of this genre. Yockie is also known to always write lyrics in Indonesia in order to convey his message better to the listeners. To us, he is considered one of the best lyricist the nation has ever seen.
Since his health is deteriorating, the musician is currently hospitalized and has to undergo several medical procedures to get better. The news was confirmed by his wife, who is always by his side. Several musicians gather to raise fund for Yockie’s medication, through crowdfunding site, Kitabisa. His legacy to Indonesia’s music landscape has lived through the decades and it is time for us to return the favor. We’ve arranged a playlist filled with 9 songs titled “Nawa Tembang Pilihan: Yockie Suryo Prayogo” that were curated not only from his solo venture, collaboration, and the bands he participated in, but also from some compilation albums and musicians whose songs or albums he has produced. You could also donate to Kitabisa here, as the movement initiated by Adib Hidayat and Denny MR have collected IDR156,790,868 to help his family during this difficult time.

Mustahil membicarakan sejarah perkembangan musik Indonesia tanpa menyebut nama Yockie Suryoprayogo. Bersama figur penting lainnya seperti Eros Djarot, Chrisye, dan Nasution bersaudara, Yockie turut membidani lahirnya sejumlah album penting dekade 70-an; beberapa bahkan dianggap sebagai album Indonesia terbaik sepanjang masa. Sepanjang karirnya yang brilian, selain merilis album solo dan kolaborasi, Yockie memproduseri sejumlah album para musisi dari berbagai genre, selain tergabung dalam beberapa grup musik legendaris seperti God Bless, Giant Step dan Swami.
Sebagai seorang keyboardis, gaya permainan Yockie cenderung bernuansa art-rock, sesuatu yang lazim mengingat awal mula karirnya sebagai musisi dimulai pada dekade ketika genre ini sedang begitu populer. Yockie juga dikenal senantiasa menulis lirik dalam bahasa Indonesia demi kesampaian pesan kepada para pendengarnya. Dalam hal ini, Yockie dianggap salah satu penulis lirik berbahasa Indonesia terbaik. Kini sang musisi tengah terbaring lemah dan harus menjalani beberapa prosedur medis untuk kembali seperti sedia kala. Sebuah penggalangan dana yang diinisiasi oleh Adib Hidayat dan Denny MR, mengajak para penggemar, musisi serta seluruh rakyat Indonesia untuk menyumbang demi kesembuhan sang legenda.
Nawa Tembang Pilihan: Yockie Suryoprayogo berisi sembilan lagu karya sang maestro yang dipilih tak hanya dari katalog solo, kolaborasi, dan grup musik dimana beliau tergabung di dalamnya, namun juga dari sejumlah album kompilasi serta album para musisi yang pernah diproduserinya. Kamu bisa menyalurkan dana bantuan melalui situs Kitabisa di sini. Dana yang terkumpul sementara berjumlah Rp156,790,868 dari target 500 juta.
Track list:
1. Yockie S. – Sekitar Kota
2. Dhenok Wahyudi & Yockie S. – Kelana
3. Yockie S. & Chrisye – Jurang Pemisah
4. Berlian Hutahuruk – Semusim
5. God Bless – Kehidupan
6. Mel Shandy – Nyanyian Badai
7. Andi Meriem Mattalatta – Kau Lelaki
8. Dian Pramana Poetra – Kodrat Alam
9. Titi DJ – Yang Pertama Yang Bahagia
Penulis & Penyusun Mixtape: Firli Yogiteten/Editor: Novita Widia