Say Hello to The Knife Club, A New Supergroup in Town Consisting of Sajama Cut, Strange Fruit, Sigmun, Polka Wars, etc!
Supergroup is a term founded when a member or more from several bands or succesful solo artists join forces to make an entirely new band. We could see it happening with Liv, where Lykke Li is joined by Andrew Wyatt, Björn Yttling and many more. Trio Lestari is made up of Glenn Fredly, Tompi, and Sandy Sandhoro, which all three have successful solo career. How about the indie bands supergroup of Indonesia? Meet The Knife Club, a new music collective initiated by Marcel Thee of Sajama Cut and Baldi Calvianca. They asked a bunch of super creative people whose names you would probably heard a lot. Among those names who are involved in this project are Andi Hans Sabarudin (C’mon Lennon, Seaside, Pandai Besi), Haikal Azizi (Bin Idris, Sigmun), Billy Saleh (Polka Wars), Jodi Setiawan (Peonies), Asad Gibran (Kaveh Kanes), Hendy Yudhistira (Morsecode), Much Rifqi (Moiss), Theo Nugraha, Ricardo Taufano (Secret Meadow), Dylan Amario (Logic Lost) and Ababil Ashari (Shorthand Phonetics).
Together these musicians create a compilation album called “Affliction” containing 9 songs which are vastly different from the music they used to play in their respective bands. The individuals shine their own characteristics outside of their band’s music and style. “The influences are from these collaborators. I think, the fans of these musicians could hear their touches in each song, even if it is arranged differently since they play with people outside of their bands,” said Marcel about the music in this album. The music in this album is rich-sounding, with layers and layers of guitar happening in one song. Marcel said that the goal of this album is making guitar sounds un-guitar like. The arrangement is made to be grand sounding with rock composition like Sonic Youth or Broken Social Scene. The 30 minutes album will be released 12 December 2017, so if you’re curious about this project you could pre-order “Affliction” on elevation1977@gmail.com or contact WA on 081908480616.