First Day of Noice Fest, A Music Festival for Urbanites

Jakarta, 23 November 2017 – Weekday truly felt like weekend when we came to Noice Fest 2017. The event has successfully presented various kinds of music on the first day. Kuningan City parking area has been changed into unique, comfy and different ambiance that invite anyone to enjoy all the experience there. The visitors are not limited in specific genre but they were able to become one as they were free to express themselves on the festival.

Noice Fest has a unique, chill, sophisticated atmosphere that is fit for urban settlers like us. There were two stages that are located on two separate areas. First up, A Noice stage is located at the top of parking area with the best digital effect installation and massive LED screen with the size of 150m2. Second, A Sound stage is located under A Noice stage with enchanting visual mapping and LED decoration which made the Noice Fest became more alive.

Both stages didn’t stop pounding the tunes and everyone danced all the time according to the rhythms. Stars and Rabbit, duo folk from Yogyakarta has managed to hypnotize the audience with their performance. As usual, Elda as the vocalist of Stars and Rabbit always showcased her best self on stage. From the international line-up, Rhye duo R&b became one of the most awaited performer. Their laid back and groovy music charmed the crowd and got them excited.

Finally at the end of the show, Peking Duk from Australia and DJ Dipha Barus closed the first day with fun performances. So, do you want to join the hype of Noice Festival 2017? The second day of the festival is going down today on 24 November 2017. They still have Alina Baraz and The Paper Kites to bring you all the right noice!!!

JAKARTA—Hari pertama Noice Fest 2017 berhasil menghipnotis kaum urban yang hadir di area parkir lantai atas Kuningan City Mall pada hari Kamis, 23 November 2017. Pengunjung tampak bebas berekspresi dan hanyut dalam sajian musik lintas genre dari musisi lokal maupun internasional.First Day of Noice Fest 2017 Review

Oktoberi Surbakti, Program Director MCM Production, selaku pihak penyelenggara menjelaskan bahwa Noice Fest 2017 menyajikan musik yang menggambarkan dinamika kaum urban dan mengajak para penikmatnya untuk bebas berekspresi. Puluhan musisi terbaik yang digandeng seperti, Rhye, Alina Baraz, The Paper Kites, Dipha Barus x Kallula, Stars and Rabbit, Float, dan lain-lain, akan menyemarakkan dua panggung dengan instalasi efek digital.

Serangkaian penampilan digelar pada dua panggung terpisah dengan talent yang berbeda. Hari Pertama, panggung pertama A Noice Stage diisi oleh penampil utama yaitu, Yuka Tamada & Kawan Lama, The Trees & The Wild, Rendy Pandugo, Stars & Rabbit, Rhye, Peking Duk, dan Dipha Barus x Kallula. Panggung kedua bertajuk A Sound Stage diisi oleh Mantra Vutura, Abirama, Fisika Matematika & Diale, Kimokal, Elephant Kind, dan Diskoria Selekta.

Kemeriahan panggung A Noice Stage dimulai saat Stars and Rabbit naik panggung. Band yang mengusung genre pop-folk sukses menghipnotis penonton dengan penampilan uniknya yang khas. “Awalnya ngga bisa lihat wajah penonton, tapi begitu kena sorot lampu baru keliatan pada menikmati. Seneng rasanya kalo liat kalian menikmati apa yang kami suguhkan,” ujar Elda sang vokalis.

Lain halnya dengan musisi internasional, Rhye yang tampil setelah Stars and Rabbit merupakan salah satu penampil yang ditunggu-tunggu. Pada dua lagu terakhir, Mike personel dari Rhye meminta seisi ballroom untuk lebih tenang agar semua bisa lebih menikmati lagu yang disajikan.

Reporter & Photos: Asti and Nadia