Atilia Haron on Supersonik #21 at IFI Jakarta
Atilia Haron
Supersonik #21: Atilia Haron and ‘Setengah’ Sore Gave Enchanting Show at IFI

(11/11) Atilia Haron, Malaysian based singer visited Jakarta in order to promote her 3rd album “N°3” in a showcase held at Institut Français d’Indonésie (IFI) Thamrin. In conjunction with the 21st edition of IFI’s regular gig, Supersonik, the event started in the afternoon by the performance of Jakarta’s very own Sore. Unlike their regular performance, Sore performed with only half of the member, having only Ade Paloh and Reza Dwiputranto (Echa). Both they performed songs from the band that have been familiar to our ears. There were “R14”, “Mata Berdebu”, “Aku”, “Sssst” that were sung on stage, with their usual chuckles during interval and a little bit awkward interaction since there were only two of them on stage. They successfully warmed up the stage for the main act who performed after them.

Atilia Haron on Supersonik #21 at IFI Jakarta

Shortly after SORE’s performance ended, Atilia graced the stage with a fancy navy dress and shiny black high heels. She sang couples of songs from her latest album “N°3” such as: “Sandaranku”, “Aku Curiga”, “Kurnia Syurgawi”, “Cintaku Mengatasi Segalanya”, “Realize”, and “Bahagiaku”. She also covered SORE’s “No Fruits For Today” and Payung Teduh’s “Untuk Perempuan Yang Sedang Dalam Pelukan”. To add a little surprise, she then collaborated with Ade Paloh to perform SORE’s “Silly Little Things” that was taken from SORE’s EP and also included in Atilia Haron’s second album. She also brought Malaysian Pop Singer on the stage to perform “Anugerah Cinta” together. Overall, Atilia presented a warm atmosphere with her showcase and we got to know more about her music and her personality as well. If you are curious about her new album, kindly check it out on digital streaming services like Spotify, iTunes or Apple Music. She has released two albums previously titled “Indah” (2010) and “Sangkar” (2007).

Atilia Haron on Supersonik #21 at IFI Jakarta
Lokman Aslam