Witnessing An Intense Dance Number on “Der Bau”, German-France Collaboration
Goethe-Institut successfully presented “Der Bau” (The Burrow) Dance Shows, a solo dance piece by a Berlin-based dancer and choreographer, Isabelle Schad, and French visual artist Laurent Goldring. The show was held at Komunitas Salihara Jakarta back in 29th-30th September 2017. “Der Bau” is the latest notable collaboration of Isabelle Schad and Laurent Goldring after the collaboration of Unturtled 1-4 series in 2008. In this show, Schad had shown the stage and garments as impermanent objects – as the last inner and the last outer layer of the body, creating a far-reaching space.

Der Bau was inspired by the unfinished novel of Franz Kafka with the same title that tells mole-like being delves through an elaborate system of tunnels that has built in its lifetime. Both Schad and Goldring changed the burrow into a metaphor of human body and created a unique show that explores the relationship between body and space. Schad beautifully manipulated Kafka’s labyrinth into a huge length of material. The continuous, dynamic shapes from the movement of the dancer inside the garments which constantly create new spatial shapes can be interpreted as body organ and a human body extension. Together, the relationship of the layers acted as material for a danced, living sculpture, that surprisingly lifelike way, and simultaneously as a body part, as a sheath and a partner.

The exclusive show and media preview was held on September 28th, 8 PM with the artists participation: Isabelle Schad, Peter Bohm, Emma Juliard and Goethe-Institut Indonesien and Komunitas Salihara representatives. After performing on the highly anticipated dance show, Isabelle Schad also came to the workshop that was held by Goethe-Institut with selected participants on the day after the show. Der Bau was truly an intense dance number that could captivate those who watch it.
Reporter: Audy Prasetya/Editor: Munji