Closure Reveal Split Release with Strangeways via O Pamela Records
Post-punk newcomer from Malang, Closure have been active since releasing their debut EP “Journey” via O Pamela Records in earlier this year. Since then, the band fronted by Dheka (vocal), Afif (guitar), Bella (guitar), Axel (bass) and Ikhsan (drum) are out and about doing live shows and a short tour to Jakarta. In October, we are in for a treat since the band have announced that they are releasing a split release with a band from the same label called Strangeways. Strangeways are made up of Tiok who was the former drummer of band Aggi and Yanu Fuadi who is a member of The Porno. From Closure, they reveal a new single called “Warehouse” which has been performed live. While Strangeways make their debut with a single called “Strangeways”. The two singles can be found on the digital version and physical ones. “Warehouse” is a rather cheerful post-punk number with a hint of a surf, but still retaining that post-punk feel they had on their first EP. Meanwhile, “Strangeways” sounds intriguing as it combines a dark themed instrumentals with prominent bass and organs sounds, well let’s just call it darkwave.
“Warehouse” itself as stated on the press release, tells about an imagination of a child who wanders around in his dream. “The split release has been planned for a long time, but we could only reveal it during August-September due to our own personal business,” said Afif, Closure’s guitarist. The split single from Closure-Strangeways can be purchased in its CD-R format on several record stores like W.R Store (Jakarta), Cempaka Musik (Surabaya) and Haum Store (Malang). For the digital format, kindly check them out on Bandcamp and Soundcloud here. This split single is released via O Pamela Record, an independent record label based in Jakarta.