Young Savages unleashYoung Savages Reveal Twitter Themed Lyrics Video for “2000’s Kids”

Young Savages have been teasing about their debut album for quite some time starting from last year. Since months gone by without the album in sight, finally a breathe of fresh air is coming in the form of lyrics video for their single “2000’s Kids”. The indie rock unit hailing from Malang released this as the second single after their first one “Highway High” several months ago. The song which is taken from the album of the same name tells about their happiness as kids who grew up in 2000’s era. “This song represents our happiness (Young Savages’ members) who are a bunch of kids who grew up in the 2000’s,” explains Adin, the vocalist through a press release. The statement to categorize themselves as 2000’s kids is a result of annoyance at some people who refuse to be labeled as 2000’s generation, while in fact they were only born in the 90’s and spent most of their childhood in the millennium era. As a way to befit the millenials’ lifestyle, Young Savages made the lyrics video using the popular Twitter timeline format using screen recorder technique.

Young Savages Reveal 2000's Kids Lyrics Video
Artwork by: Bintang Priyadmadi

Social media has become a growing addiction for youth these days, so what else could be better than scrolling your timeline and singing the song out loud at the same time. Screen recorder technique enable us to record activity on screen in the form of video. On the lyrics video of “2000’s Kids”, we got to see various responses in the form of tweets, memes, and pictures which form the lyrics of the song. Nanda Eka, the band’s bassist was the mastermind behind this unique concept. “In the beginning I was just scrolling my timeline to find info and see my friends’ tweets, until I stopped by a video upload which used the screen recording technique., so I instantly applied the concept to Young Savages’ newest single”. Adin (vocal), Rian (guitar), Bintang (guitar), Nanda Eka (bass), and Prismadifta (vocal & keyboard) also announced their debut album pre-order in conjunction with the lyrics video. The album will be repressed in a cassette tape format under Frekuensi Records and planned to be released during Cassette Store Day in Malang in mid-October. Watch the video from Young Savages below.