Mantra Vutura Launched EP "Solar Labyrinth"Getting To Know Mantra Vutura with Debut EP “Solar Labyrinth”

The musical gene runs through the family, as proven by Addie MS whose both sons work in the music industry. The youngest song named Tristan Juliano created an electronic band with his childhood mate, Zakaria Danubrata named Mantra Vutura. We got a chance to get to know the group who have signed under Double Deer Records before they released their debut mini album “Solar Labyrinth”. Taking place at Queenshead Kemang, the showcase was opened by Artificial, Anja and closed out by Harvy. Starting from half past eight, a press conference was held with Tristan and Zaki explaining what is their single and album is about and how they came up with Mantra Vutura. After quite some time, they took the stage upon excited crowd to welcome them in the world of “Solar Labyrinth”, their EP.

Mantra Vutura Launched EP "Solar Labyrinth"The introduced their first single called “Un Deux Trois” which can be said as the perfect intro for the other tracks in the album. Being asked on why they named the project as Mantra Vutura, Tristan and Zaki said that the name is the perfect match to represent their music. Taken from the word mantra which means spell, represents Zaki’s traditional side with his percussion. While vutura derived from future, which represents Tristan’s futuristic take on music with his keyboard. They went on saying that there is no specific or certain genre of Mantra Vutura’s music. In their collaboration effort, for certain there is an adaptation of traditional music with its folk singing and combined with Zaki’s percussion. Tristan also said that the genre they’re doing can be described as a house with many small rooms that are influenced by various genre. One of them is the creation from Todd Terje, a Norwegian DJ. With the release of “Solar Labyrinth” that night, it also marks Mantra Vutura’s entrance in Indonesia’s music especially in the electronic scene. The album is available on digital streaming services and can be purchased on iTunes.

Writer: Narisha Zulkarnain