Melancholic Bitch Return with Single “Bioskop, Pisau Lipat”
Their return to the music scene is certainly long awaited and after seven years, Yogyakarta’s band Melancholic Bitch show up with their newest material “Bioskop, Pisau Lipat”. Through a press release, the band also announce their upcoming album called “NKKBS Bagian Pertama” and the single “Bioskop, Pisau Lipat” is the first taste off of it. With light pop arangement, the song has a deeper meaning than you might expect. You might hear the phrase ‘perempuan liar’ quite a lot, and the single is said to be the reflection of Ugoran Pasad’s childhood memories while he was growing up in the 1980’s. During that time, the government heavily scrutinized the citizens’ activity and promote propaganda using popular platforms like movies to build a social construction regarding ‘women’ (perempuan liar) and ‘folding knife’. It also promoted a movement against communist party by showing the people the revolt that they did by slaughtering ‘innocent’ people. The single albeit containing political views of Indonesia’s darkest era after independence, is wrapped in a bubbly tone with heavy lyrics to balance it out.
Their upcoming album title ‘NKKBS’ an abbreviation of a program during New Regime era called “Norma Keluarga Kecil Bahagia Sejahtera”. The program shows the ideal concept of a family for Indonesian and it has deep penetrated our society since it was applied to the smallest unit of society which is family. Just like what they did on “Balada Joni dan Susi”, their last album, this forthcoming record will refer to one big narration regarding family. Its dynamics, activities, and value will be linked to major political events that happened in Indonesia from the 60’s up to now. The song and album were recorded at KUA Etnika and Sangkar Emas Studio, Yogyakarta. Melancholic Bitch have prepared an album launching showcase in 9 September 2017 at PKKH (Pusat Kebudayaan Koesnadi Harjosoemantri), UGM, Yogyakarta from 7PM. Things are shaping up pretty well for this veteran band, and we gladly welcome their comeback. Listen to the new single “Bioskop, Pisau Lipat” below.