ART|JOG 10 Press Conference
Press conference of ART|JOG 10
ART|JOG 10 : Changing Perspective Celebrates A Decade of Art Journey

From 19 May 2017 and a month onward, all eyes of art enthusiasts will turn to ART|JOG 10 in Yogyakarta. In its 10th edition of exhibition, the theme for this year’s celebration is Changing Perspective and once again Jogja National Museum will be the venue where ART|JOG 10 happens. Starting their journey from 2008 when it was first labeled as Jogja Art Fair, this year’s theme is chosen to change the recent perspective of individuals which mostly has become profane. “So far, we see everything based on logic, which is sourced from the rationality of human brain. The function of brain itself still hasn’t reached its maximum level yet. The function of logic, in our lives, is to ensure the truth and the accuracy. Logic will fail if our perspective only relies on logical things, measured and observed by our senses. If we trade and contradict those logical and illogical values; when something believed as right and already became a standard, disturbed by other conception; and also when a formulation of harmonic composition being challenged by a new concept, what would happen is a confusion, and such condition would trigger mindset disorder,” explained the Curator Team of ART|JOG 10 in The Karaton Ballroom Royal Ambarrukmo during a press conference.

“This year we choose 59 artists, the invited artist and those who applied. Then we run selection process for both categories, not only based on the compatibility of the works and the curatorial concept, but also on the presentation method and the originality of idea they offer. Provoking the production of art is the point that we try to dismantle this year,” added Ignatia Nilu, the curator team of ART|JOG 10. As usual the annual exhibition always displays an artwork in the front yard of Jogja National Museum to be the mass attraction and Wedhar Riyadi is honored to be featured. He would change the front yard into a garden/pond with installations of some massive eye balls (Floating Eyes) around it. Eye is the symbol and also the figure that he picks to present the awareness of public eyes which keep an eye on us now. The reflection of water in the pool and the movement of water’s surface would enable the audience to watch the reflection of the environment around them and watch and being watched by themselves. Such visual play that Wedhar does have summarized the components presented by ART|JOG|10 at the age of a decade.

ART|JOG 10 Press ConferenceBesides Wedhar Riyadi, the list of 59 chosen artists do not only come from Indonesia, but also overseas. The foreign artists originate from Singapore, China, Japan, Denmark, Canada, Germany, Philippines and United Kingdom. From Indonesians representatives, there are some familiar names like Agan Harahap, Tompi, Aliansyah Chaniago and a collaboration from Yogyakartan artist Angki Purbandono with famed actor, Nicholas Saputra. Besides the exhibition, there will be accompanying programs like Curatorial Tour, Meet The Artist, ASRI Historical Tour, Open Air Cinema, Daily Performance and Merchandise Project. Local bands like Skandal, Jogja Noise Bombing, Sungai, Jazz Mben Senen from Yogyakarta or Monohero from Malang will perform at ART|JOG 10 with their schedule listed on the website. The exhibition will open this Friday with IDR50,000 admission fee and it is open for public from 10 AM to 10 PM everyday.