A Perfect Day Opens Europe on Screen 2017
Opening night of Europe on Screen 2017
“A Perfect Day” Becomes a Flawless Movie to Open Europe on Screen 2017

Film festival Europe on Screen 2017 has officially been launched on Friday 5th of May last week at Epicentrum, Kuningan, South Jakarta. The festival that will run until 14 May 2017 in Indonesia will celebrate the many cultures of 21 countries in Europe with the selected movies. Other than Jakarta, Europe on Screen 2017 also takes place at Surabaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Medan and Denpasar. Mr. Vincent Guerent as the Ambassador of European Union in Indonesia opened the event last Friday at 7PM and it was followed by a brief opening speech by the festival director, Mr. Orlow Seunke. As this year celebration marks the 17th edition of Europe on Screen, he remarked that each year the festival is growing with more mainstream films included on the list for the audience to enjoy. Other venue of the screenings in Jakarta besides Epicentrum are Erasmus Huis, Goethe Haus, Institut Francais Indonesia (IFI), Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Kineforum, SAE Institute Jakarta, Bintaro Jaya Xchange Mall and Gandaria City. There are also workshops held during the festival regarding filmmaking and many intriguing topics about movie. There is also a special performance taking place on 13 May 2017 at Erasmus Huis to accompany the screening of a silent movie called “Black Mail”.

A Perfect Day Opens Europe on Screen 2017
A Perfect Day (2015)

That opening night, we went on to watch a comedy movie from Spain called “A Perfect Day”. The story of this movie centers around a group of veteran aid workers led by a man named Mambrú played by seasoned actor, Benicio Del Toro. Along with his team mates named B (Tim Robbins) and Sophie (Mélanie Thierry), and assisted with an interpreter named Damir (Fedja Štukan), they have a difficult task to remove a dead body from a well in an Eastern Europe country. The country who used to be Yugoslavia, is a war torn place and these aid workers from an NGO have to do the clean up and well… it is a messy job to do. Directed by Fernando de León de Aronoa, this supposed to be Spanish film features a mostly English dialogues so it’s very easy to catch on the plot.

A Perfect Day Opens Europe on Screen 2017The main selling point in this movie is the interaction between the members in this group. How they are faced with absurdities one after another in this country and how they work together to pull the decaying corpse from the well. The addition of another aid worker who used to be Mambrú’s ex girlfriend adds more comical relief to the dynamics of the group. The director also shows a detailed work on showcasing post-war villages on the backgrounds. The movie becomes a flawless piece to be shown on the opening night. It is one to enjoy with your friends and families, make sure you catch the screenings for free. See the schedule here!

A Perfect Day Opens Europe on Screen 2017
The aid workers looking at the rotten corpse that is thrown into the well

Report by: Narisha Zulkarnain/Reviewer & Editor: Novita Widia