Entering the Universe of Ghibli with The World of Ghibli Jakarta : Here’s Why You Should Join the Hype
The World of Ghibli Jakarta, a series of events held by Kaninga Pictures, Marubeni Indonesia, and Hakuhodo DY Media Partners under the license and supervision from Studio Ghibli team in Japan has been launched in April. The screening of Academy Award winning movie from Studio Ghibli called “Spirited Away” marks the beginning of many other movies to come and an exhibition that is planned to be held in August. Many of you might wonder on why there is such a huge enthusiasm surrounding the film theatrical release, considering the fact that these are not new movies and some people might have seen it for a couple of times already. The Display have compiled several reasons on why you should join this hype of The World of Ghibli Jakarta!

- A get-together with fellow Studio Ghibli enthusiasts
Oftentimes, as we discovered the magical world of Studio Ghibli, we rarely meet other persons who share the same passion in it as much as we do. The theatrical release of Ghibli films will be a chance for us to know or at least, get the feeling of a common interest. Watching the movie with many other people in the same room is a whole lot different feeling than watching it alone in front of our computers. We have watched the screening of “Spirited Away” on cinema, and the audience gasped, cheered, laughed, and even clapped their hands on some heroic, funny, and heartfelt moments in this movie. Sssh, you can also shed a little tear, that’s okay because other people do!
- A Chance to Volunteer Your Love, Time, and Dedication for the Beloved Anime Studio
If you take your love for Studio Ghibli to the extreme, while making sure you also do some good deed on the go, you would want to volunteer for the film screenings in your city. Since the ticket purchase of this movie screening is online based, it changes the way of people to buy their tickets. You can not go to the counter and buy the tickets directly on theater. Therefore, to simplify the hassle (helping people who want to watch the movie) and to also record the statistic accurately, the committee of World of Ghibili Jakarta need some volunteers to do this task. To employ a large sum of people in so many cities across Indonesia would be too much and tiresome. Thankfully, these fans are also devotees whose loyalty and love towards Ghibli are doubtless. One of the volunteer names Nessya Raras S. for the film screening in Malang explain her reason to lend her hand, “I’m a devoted fans of Studio Ghibli and I’m happy to help people who want to watch the movie. So when I heard about the film screenings and exhibition in my city, I should participate as much as I could.” As a volunteer, you will also be able to test your patience limit with a never ending question from those who want to buy the tickets and watch.

- Bigger, Better, and More Appropriate Audio-Visual for Studio Ghibli films
Why do you settle down on Webrip quality movie on your laptop when you can watch it on cinema? We’re pretty sure that some of you might acquire Studio Ghibli movies from online (and might be illegal) sources. The quality that these digital formats have, could not show the real quality of Ghibli movies. When you watch it on the theater, the film scoring from Joe Hisashi suddenly comes alive and lulls your ears. The spectacle of colors, movement, and detailed drawings from the studio who keeps their animation to be traditionally made, could be more enjoyable on the big screen. We will wait for the films to get the IMAX release, because they deserve it, right?

- One of a Kind Indonesian Subtitle
Move over Lebah Ganteng, because the subber for Studio Ghibli movies in Indonesia is one funny yet precise fellow. We give mad props to whoever did the subtitle translation for “Spirited Away” because not only it was good, but it also perfectly synced with the scenes in this movie. In one of the scene in which the witch Yubaba has to clog her nose to avoid the stink from the God of River, the subtitle funnily and accurately captures the dialog with words like “Zelamat zazang” as Yubaba also says the words in Japanese with her clogged nose. Twitter user with the name @divardha pointed out the use of words like “terpampang nyata” on the subtitle. There are also many other comical subtitles in this movie, and we’re pretty sure the following movies would also use the similar style of subtitle.

- A Gateway to Other Projects from Studio Ghibli in Indonesia
By showing a high interest in these events of The World of Ghibli Jakarta, it will open the path for other collaborations from Studio Ghibli in our country. Toshio Suzuki, the Executive Producer of Studio Ghibli have encountered the high enthusiasm from the fans in Indonesia when he attended a limited film screening back in last August. It then opened a much bigger collaboration like the film screenings and upcoming exhibition that are currently going on right now. It is not impossible if the current event gains success, it will lead to a much more exciting projects from Studio Ghibli. How to make it possible? Watch the film screenings, take as many friends as you can, spread the Ghibli virus, and also attend the exhibition. We’re pretty optimistic that in the future, Studio Ghibli films would be screened widely in Indonesia, and not only get a limited release. While doing so, many creative workers from Indonesia will be involved as well. The participation from Muhammad Bisri Mustofa or Sherina Sinna Munaf in this project have sent a sense of pride for fellow Indonesians. It is the right time to join the hype and get further info about the events here.