Diskomfest 7Visual Communication Design Students of Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) is Going to Hold Diskomfest 7

Reaching the end of 2016, Diskomfest 7, an event dedicated for celebrating visual communication design will be held in three days from Friday, December 16th to 18th at Jogja National Museum. The 7th installment of the festival which was initiated by Visual Communication Design students of ISI Yogyakarta sees a creative celebration for ideas to respond the surrounding’s current situation. The participants of the festival includes delegations, designers, communities, creative industry, practitioner from 9 Visual Communication Design colleges from across Java and Bali. The event would not only exhibit creative results from the participants, the event also aims to be a medium for visitors and the participants as well to exchange and share their ideas, experience, and creative process during a creative sharing discussion session with DGI (Desain Grafis Indonesia), HONFablab, Lepaskendali Labs and Niaga Hoster. Each of them provides a deeper understanding about graphic design, internet, commercial design, and many more.

Yogyakarta’s indie musicians will present to entertain us throughout the festival and creative bazaar from several creativepreneurs will entice you with their handmade and unique stuff. The festival also includes the hip-culinary trend bazaar with 24 Food and Beverage booths, enamel pin workshop, making detergent from coconut oil workshop, live mural and graffiti and video mapping showcase. Diskomfest 7 picks “We Infect and Re-Collect” as their big theme which spotlights collective work practice that could be found all around us. The theme has a purpose to offer the visitors a new point of view of seeing the practice of collective work, as a medium of tolerance and appreciation of various cultures that exist in Indonesia. Six aspects that are close to today’s generation were chosen to be emphasized during Diskomfest 7 which are fashion, film, custom culture, publishing and internet. Fifteen design collaboration projects will also be worth noticing and observing in this fest. Below are the complete schedule of the 3-day celebration of Diskomfest 7.

DAY 1 :

16 December 2016 – start 19.00 WIB

  • Art Performance by :



  • Live Graffiti by DISKOMGRAFF
  • Music Performance by: Meranti/ Olski/ Rubah di Selatan/ Deugalih x Riri Febi

DAY 2 :

17 December 2016 – start 10.00 WIB

  • Creative Sharing by : Niagahoster – Desain Grafis Indonesia (DGI)
  • Film Screening by KotakHitam Forum
  • Studio Gigs by CALLING ATTACK
  • Music performance by: Turgun/ Chika dan Pistol Air/ DJ Lana/ DJ Stanizters/ DJ Sanjonas/ DJ Shnds

DAY 3 :

18 December 2016 – starts 10.00 WIB

  • Workshop :

– Enamel Pin by Wesellbadworks

– DIY Detergent by Sekartaji Pawon Studio

  • Creative Sharing by

HONFabLab – Lepas Kendali Labs

  • Studio Gigs by CALLING ATTACK
  • Music performance by: Mamahima/ Wirok Serigala/ Kavaleri/ Kopi Loewak/ Patas/ Erwe/ Jenny/ DJ Kuruwa x DJ Sanjonas

More information of Diskomfest 7, head to their Instagram