Gardu House Hosts The Biggest Street Art Event in Asia through Street Art Dealin X
Street Art Dealin X marks the tenth celebration for one of the subculture which is street art in Indonesia. Street art embodies all creative paintings or installations that use public spaces as the medium of creativity. During 6 day-celebration at Gudang Sarinah Ekosistem Jakarta from December 5 to 10, 2016, Gardu House provided a place for street artists, street art communities, street art enthusiasts from all over Indonesia and Asia to exchange their experiences, projects and get to know to each other through steet art. We came during the press conference on Saturday, December 10th 2016 and Bima Chris as the director of Street Dealin X uttered his excitement towards the event.
This year’s event was basically more varied in terms of the participants and events, it also managed to gather a bigger participation from local and international street artists. “It (re: Street Dealin X) becomes a platfrom to exchange information, this event is like the holiday from graffiti and street art communities. All creators are coming from various regions. They who initially just knew each other through social medias, are now got a chance to meet in person and share experiences, have a conversation here,” said Bima. Street artist Boogie from Germany, Bokero from Malang, and Rogue who is based in Jakarta and Singapore also participated in the press conference and unveiled their wishes and impression of participating on Street Dealin X.

42 street artists and 11 music performers were present during Street Art Dealin X and made the event more festive and alive. Upon entering the venue we were welcomed by a huge graffiti that became a sign that the biggest street art event in Asia was indeed happening there. The event also boasted interesting contents for visitors which were movie screening and discussion in Lenscaps program, street sticker party in Glued 3 program, painting on neighborhood in By Your Run Camp Project, discussion about graffiti merch in Street Merchandising program and the main event which was live graffiti, music performances, and discussion in Big Bang Party program. The vast Gudang Sarinah walls and spaces became the artists’ canvas to spill out their creations and they were all unique with each artist’ own characteristic.

During the main and closing event, several hiphop musicians took the stage and drove the crowd wild with their swag and commands on stage. BlaKumuh, Boyz Got No Brain, Fade 2 Black, 8 Ball, Danger Dope, Iman Iman Veldhuiljzen, Jahanam, MXMT, Tuan Tiga Belas, and X-Calibour were among the performers who spit their flows on stage. The music could not be more fitting to accompany the spirit of street artists to keep being creative and voicing out their opinion using public spaces. Street Dealin X was a festive and fun way to celebrate street art without it being labelled as vandalism and public nuisance.