Source: musicjunkiepress
Morganostic Stand Up For The Underground Scene with “To Conceive”
Having experienced the struggle of being a musician in an underground scene, Aryo ‘Ryo’ Rahmawan with Morganostic created “To Conceive”. The progressive metal band from Surabaya want to send a message that reflects their life and Ryo was inspired by the lyrics from Counterparts and Architects. He tries to share the energy and encourages the listeners to take risk in deciding their own path. The underlying message from “To Conceive” and his spirit got him in to the top 12 finalist of Go Ahead Challenge 2016. In this song Ryo’s musicality, powerful scream, and the lyrics complete the complex music arrangement and drive the listeners into Morganostic’s imagination.

The single itself was released three years ago, in 2013 to be exact. However, Ryo submitted this music on the competition this year since it is Morganostic’s best work to date during their 7 years of discovery and learning music according to him. It Is not that they did not create any new music, but considering the expense to release the music independently makes them to think twice for releasing new material. With the help of music promoters, ItDjents and Beheading the Traitor, their work has been recognized overseas. Their participation in Go Ahead Challenge has made them widely known by Indonesia’s scene, not only Surabaya’s music scene and they use this momentum to put out a new EP. “According to plan, we will release an EP next month (re: December) that is titled “Paradox”,” reveals Ryo.
“To Conceive” itself tells about a paradoxical perspective of a war that is happening in the world at the moment. When the others are busy blaming each other, Morganostic try to be neutral and offer an alternative perspective to see a phenomenon. Their venture in music scene so far also has given them a few changes in their music. Morganostic incorporate the use of Djent, which is a reception of play on electric guitar. Djent is also known as a sub-genre in progressive metal. As a pioneer in this sub-genre, Morganostic’s new EP will see them apply the new change. Moreover, they will also battle it out with another 11 finalists during Go Ahead Challenge Artwarding Night 2016 on Sunday, November 20th 2016 at Gudang Sarinah, Jakarta.