Music Wednesday: Megatruh presents you “Lokakarya Lupa”
After releasing their first debut single “Wahana Bumi Megatruh” last year, Malang based rock group Megatruh cook up some material that resulted in “Lokakarya Lupa”. We might be a little late to the party, but finally we have the chance to sit down and listen to the song.
After a quiet long intro with the three layered distortion, the vocal kicks in and it progresses from then. The song itself tells about a crazy man who’s curious about the life of normal people.
The chorus is catchy and after a few spins you can find yourself hum to it. The song needs a hell of crazy vocal, and those high notes in every chorus needs to be reached perfectly at least in the recorded version. Overall, it’s a nice follow up to their debut, and what we like about it is their consistency of having a theme, message, and concept that will entice the listeners to listen to their material.
Download “Lokakarya Lupa” for free in the link below.